Fruit Lord

Sometimes I get bored. Sometimes I get really bored. Today was a case of the latter.

My lectures for today were over by 3pm so I took the opportunity to do my shopping for the week. And by that I mean I spent 20 minutes wandering around M&S trying not to let anyone notice that I was piling every bag of fruit sherbets I could find into my basket. After that I was able to set off on what seemed like a long walk home due to the 6kg of fruit sherbets I was carrying in addition to a week’s food.

You might be wondering just why I want so many fruit sherbets. Well, not so long ago I bought a bag of fruit sherbets with my weekly shopping. The next week I bought two. The week after that I bought four bags. Now I know that there’s an infinite number of functions I could map to the series 1,2,4, but I decided that I would buy 2^n bags of fruit sherbets each week, where n is the number of weeks since I started.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But Jack, by the time you graduate the cost of your weekly fruit sherbet purchase will exceed the total amount of money in the world.”
Yeah. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. As it stands, I’m unable to find enough bags of fruit sherbets in a single shop to cover my week’s purchase.

Back to my narrative. An hour after getting home I had a flight case full of fruit sherbets sorted by colour. Two hours later, I own


This is beginning to remind me of the time I bought 218 bags of Skittles, sorted out the purple ones, and gave the rest away – just because I didn’t want to revise for my AS level exams.