(Separating) Dreams from Reality

I was kept awake last night by an image which has been etched into my head for the last few days. It’s an image of an impossible scenario in Minesweeper. Why this image refuses to leave my head I do not know, but I can at least take some solace in the fact that this image may at least be preferable to dreaming.
I don’t often remember what I’ve dreamt about, but I do know that I have a reoccurring nightmare. In this nightmare I am a JavaScript engine. Night after night I am forced to parse line after line of untidy, inefficient, inconsistent code. Many of the scripts are clearly multiple answers from Stack Overflow, crudely glued together in an last-ditch attempt to avoid having to do something properly.

I was going to lead into my default rant about JavaScript and the unsuitability of current web languages. I’m going to save that for another day.